They say
it takes a village

Find yours, connected & nearby

Mom life just got easier.

Think urban moms just like you.
Imagine spontaneous park meetups,
cozy brunch dates, and late-night
chats with moms nearby.

Mom life just got easier.

Think urban moms just like you.
Imagine spontaneous park meetups,
cozy brunch dates, and late-night
chats with moms nearby.

Need-Based Matching, 

for whatever’s on your mind.

Need-Based Matching,
for whatever’s on your mind.

Your Village
is on the Map
Discover nearby moms with 
our interactive map feature to connect & create your own villages
Start Conversations
with Ease
Use our direct messaging to connect effortlessly with moms who understand your journey
Expert Insights

at Your Fingertips

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on motherhood and anything in between


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